A blocky hybrid sweet pepper turning from green to yellow, Variety ideal for growing under protected culture in the greenhouse or under shade net and also for outdoor production for harvesting at green stage, Plant features: Medium tall, compact indeterminate plant with short internodes and good fruit setting, Fruits are deep blocky (4 lobes) with smooth skin and thick walls, Long cycle production with high yield potential for 6-9 months harvesting in the greenhouse or under shade net, Extra-large green to yellow blocky fruits weighing approximately 250 grams, Excellent glossy yellow fruits with thick walls, Maturity: harvesting start 70 days from transplant for mature green fruits and 90 days for yellow fruits, Yield potential: Average 60-70 tons / acre under good agronomic practices, Excellent tolerance to: Tobamo viruses, pepper mild mottle virus, Potato virus Y, Bacterial Spot (race 1-2), Tomato mosaic virus