Oshothion 50 Ec

Supplier Osho Chemical Industries Ltd
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UGX 3,559

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This is a broad spectrum, non-systemic insecticide used for the control of a wide range of insects like thrips, aphids, beetles, fruit fly, bugs etc. in a wide range of crops, including cotton, fruit trees, potatoes, rice, coffee and vegetables. Mode of Action It is a cholinesterase inhibitor. It is non-systemic and combines contact, stomach and respiratory action. Active ingredient: Malathion 50% w/v. Application interval: 7-14days. Pre-harvest Interval: 7 days in vegetables. Mixing: 50mls per 20ltrs of water. Rate of use: 500mls per acre

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UGX 3,559


UGX 8,213


UGX 15,400

1 Ltr

UGX 30,100

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