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Trianum P – Biological Fungicide (Out of stock)

Supplier Holland Greentech
(0 rating)

UGX 221,200

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Product details

Trianum-P is a bio-fungicide based on spores of the fungus Trichoderma harzlanum strain T-22. Trianum-P protects crops from soil-borne diseases such as Fusarium Pythium and Rhizoctonia. It also increases the resistance of plants to stress caused by diseases.

Directions for use

Suspend 1 part of Trianum-P in 5 parts of water (eg., 1kg of Trianum-Pin

5 Litres of water) and mix thoroughly to suspend the product.

Add more water until the final drench volume is obtained.

Agitate continuously to maintain an even suspension. Trianum-P can be applied without special drenching equipment.


After planting, application of Trianum-P may be done by drenching or drip irrigation into the growing media (eg., soil pumice, etc).

This should be continued at regular intervals.


  • French beans: 15g/1000plants (1kg/Ha) – Drench in growing media at a frequency of 30 days.
  • Carnations: 1kg/Ha - Drench in growing media at a frequency of 30 days.


Never tank mix Trianum-P with other products. However, Trianum-P is compatible with all beneficial insects, most fungicides, liquid fertilizers and insecticides/acaricides when applied to the crop separately.

Storage & handling

Keep in refrigerated store at 8-100C

Other packaging

500 g

UGX 221,200

45 g

UGX 29,100

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