Dualgold 960 Ec - Herbicide For Control Of Annual Grass Weeds In Maize.

Supplier Uganda Crop Care Limited
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UGX 392,300

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Product details

Dual Gold 960 EC is a pre-emergence herbicide for the control of annual grass weeds in beans, maize and sugarcane.

Active ingredient: 960g/L S-metolachlor.

Formulation: Emulsifiable concentrate (EC).

WHO classification: III.

Reg. Number: UgC/2018/001798/He/RRRRRR

Directions for use:

Maize: Pre-emergence or pre-plant incorporation.

Rate: 0.6-1.6 lt./ha. Use the higher rates in heavier soil or with heavy weed infestation. Pre-plant incorporation may be preferred under dry surface conditions in regions where long periods without rain prevail after applica­tion. Incorporation of Dual Gold 960 EC® has to be shallow (5 cm).

Note: Avoid using Dual Gold 960 EC® where adjacent desirable plants may be injured.

Knapsack rate: Use 160 ml per 20 litres of water.


Shake well before use. Replace cap after pouring. Dual Gold 960 EC® must be applied in annual crops at time of planting or up to 3 days after planting. In perennial crops establish a weed-free soil surface prior to application either by hand weeding, mechanical cultivation or by the use of contact herbicides. The soil should have a smooth firm surface, free of clods. To ensure good results it is necessary that application is carried out shortly before rain or irrigation, or within 48 hours after good rain but before the crop emerges and before the top layer of the soil is dry again. If rainfall does not occur in time and weeds begin to emerge and develop, a light cultiva­tion must be carried out with a rotary hoe to destroy these weeds and to mix the herbicide into the top 2-3 cm of soil.


Dual Gold 960 EC® has to be applied pre-emergence to the crops for opti­mum results.

Pre-plant surface application: Only for minimum tillage or no tillage sys­tems. Dual Gold 960 EC® can be applied up to 45 days before planting certain crops.

Pre-planted incorporated (PPi): Apply Dual Gold 960 EC® to the soil and incorporate 5 cm of soil within 14 days before planting using a finishing disk, harrow, rolling cultivator or similar implement. Use pre-plant incorpo­rated application when a period of dry weather after application is expect­ed. 

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5 Ltrs

UGX 392,300

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